Tag Archives: Dios

Título Challenge JMJ 2021: El Salvador Del Mundo.

Descripción: Jóvenes que participarán en un programa radial ( Familia Jóven de Radio Paz 88.5) de la Arquidiócesis de San Salvador, decidieron ser parte del Challenge organizado por cristonautas. Demostrando que atreves de la música y el baile se puede evangelizar.   Ciudad: Soyapango País: El Salvador Representate: Emerson Santos …

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Title Challenge WYD 2021: Lisbon Project x WYDC

Description: We are known as World Youth Dance Crew, and there is a special reason for that being, part of us were the official dance crew for the JMJPANAMÁ2019.   Post the JMJPANAMÁ, we were inspired and collaborated with youth from different parts of the world like Panama, Dubai, Nigeria, …

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